Farber Center for Periodontics & Dental Implants
Start the New Year with Better Oral Hygiene
Schedule Your Dental Check-Ups Today
Resolve to have better oral hygiene and regular dental check-ups in the coming year. Frequent brushing, at least twice a day, and daily flossing are essential. So are regular check-ups at the dentist — and periodontist if you’ve ever been diagnosed with gum disease. At Farber Center for Periodontics & Dental Implants, our mission is to save teeth and keep people healthy. Or, if a tooth has been lost or must be extracted, replacing it with a titanium or ceramic dental implant. Healthy teeth and gums are essential to your overall health, not to mention the self-esteem value of a beautiful smile. If you’ve been putting off having a dental check-up, do yourself a favor and schedule one today.
Excellent home care, brushing, and flossing, go hand in hand with professional cleanings to keep your teeth looking their best. Every year, your dentist’s and hygienist’s ability to help you keep your teeth healthy and great looking. If you have been apprehensive about visiting the dentist, there are fewer reasons than ever before to feel reluctant. At leading holistic dentists like Farber Center, your comfort and peace of mind always are essential priorities. We are ahead of the curve with advanced techniques and procedures to improve and maintain oral health while keeping you relaxed and comfortable.
How Often Should You Bruch and Floss?
Dental professionals recommend you brush at least twice daily and floss once a day. Each should be done carefully and thoroughly. Always use a soft-bristle toothbrush and make sure to brush for at least as long as it takes for a song to play. Cutting your brushing time too short reduces effectiveness, so it’s essential to make sure you’re taking sufficient time. If you have arthritis or any condition that makes it uncomfortable or difficult to brush, consider getting an electric toothbrush. Brush in a gentle, circular motion, and make sure to brush carefully along the gumline as well. Don’t forget to brush the teeth far back in your mouth as well as those farther forward.
Daily flossing helps keep the areas between teeth clean and free from food particles. The floss helps you reach areas that you can’t get to with a brush. It also helps to clean around the gum line and is an essential part of a good oral hygiene routine. If you’ve read media reports questioning the value of flossing, Farber Center joins nearly everyone in the dental community who swiftly came out in favor of flossing. It is valuable to both teeth and gums, and we know from seeing hundreds of patients every month that those who floss maintain better oral health. If you’re parent, it’s vital to pass along good oral hygiene habits to your children, training them at an early age to brush, and also making sure they floss routinely.
Have Professional Cleanings Every Six Months
Twice yearly professional dental cleanings are essential companions to your at-home care of brushing and flossing. Your hygienist will remove tartar and polish your teeth to help make them look their best. Also, periodic dental cleanings include x-rays and an exam to make sure any cavities are caught early. If you’ve had periodontitis or any other gum disease, you also may be a candidate for deeper periodontal cleanings. Laser Pocket Disinfection (LPD) is an example of a painless procedure that can keep gums healthy and vastly reduce the presence of harmful bacteria in the mouth. Routine periodontal exams are vital for patients with a history of gum disease. They are a crucial step in saving teeth, which can be endangered by infected gums.
One of the most compelling reasons to make a resolution to improve your oral health is its connection to other major organs and systems of the body. The bacteria from gum disease can affect the immune and cardiovascular systems; it can show up in the heart, and aggravate conditions such as diabetes. Research continues to confirm the links between healthy teeth and gums and your health overall. In addition to all of the excellent medical and health reasons, there is your appearance. A beautiful smile is one of the most memorable and self-esteem building parts of our looks overall. You want to be beaming and proud to show off gorgeous teeth in a healthy smile.
Make an appointment today to visit Farber Center for Periodontics & Dental Implants. We’re in both Medford NY and Hauppauge NY, and convenient to many Long Island towns in Suffolk County. We’ll make sure you’re well cared for and comfortable when you visit us.
Pinhole Gum Surgery: Look Better with Less Discomfort
At Farber Center for Periodontics & Dental Implants, we strive to provide the most effective pinhole gum surgery Long Island has to offer. The pinhole technique has revolutionized gum surgery in a significant way. Before it was available, the best way to treat gingival recession (or receding gums) was traditional grafting. It meant sections of tissue were taken from the roof of the mouth and grafted onto the remaining gums. It required sutures and incisions — but today everything has changed and improved. If your gums have receded, you owe it to yourself to find out more about today’s advanced treatments that can help improve your appearance and oral health. The newer and less invasive surgical methods have less discomfort and produce great results.
The (PST) is a minimally invasive procedure that produces excellent results with quicker recovery times and less discomfort. PST does not require grafts from the roof of the mouth; instead, a small pinhole is made in the gum near the receding tissue. A special tool is inserted to gently loosen the existing gum tissue before it is lifted and pulled down to cover the exposed bone. The result is a healthier, more natural-looking gum line. Another excellent feature of PST is that sutures are not required to secure the gum. Instead, special collagen strips replace traditional stitching. They are resorbable collagen pieces anchored to the loosened gum until it reattaches. Therefore, no stitches are left behind and the mouth looks natural and normal moments right after the procedure is completed.
Pinhole Gum Surgery Has Many Benefits
Unlike earlier methods, pinhole gum treatment means you can treat as many areas of the mouth as you choose in a single visit. Its less-invasive nature combined with the speed of the procedure is a complete switch from the healing time and discomfort of cut-and-sew surgery. With traditional methods, it took as long as a year to complete an entire month. Also, not only is the procedure easier and less painful, but it also requires significantly less chair time overall. Among the advanced periodontal treatments available at Farber Center, it is among the more highly rated by patients because of its convenience and comfort when compared to other options.
There are many ways gum surgery and related periodontal methods have advanced during recent years. In addition to pinhole gum surgery, laser-assisted deep cleanings to disinfect periodontal pockets and LAR, laser-assisted reattachment therapy, all are outstanding newer options. Nearly universally, they reduce discomfort and speed up recovery times while greatly improving results. Also, more up-to-date options are more precise in many cases which means fewer potential side effects or complications. For patients, it has meant significantly improved results with faster recovery and a greater range of good options.
If You Have Any Signs of Gum Disease, Schedule a Check-Up
At Farber Center, we’re among the best holistic dentists Long Island has, which means we look at your oral health overall. Our mission is to save teeth, and many times they are threatened by periodontal disease. Therefore, catching and treating it early is essential. If you have any warning signs of gum disease — redness, swelling, tenderness, or bleeding — make sure you schedule an appointment today for a check-up. With newer procedures, there is less discomfort and downtime if you do need treatment. Therefore, you have less cause for hesitation. When problems are caught early, the prognosis is better and what is required to resolve the issue is less complicated.
Aside from the many benefits of pinhole surgery to correct receding gums, possibly the most important one is a shorter hesitation time. Time lost is gum loss—and maybe even tooth loss in more advanced cases. So, it’s important that once you are diagnosed with receding gums to follow-up with treatment to avoid further damage. The idea that receding gums can be treated with less discomfort and a quicker recovery period is a great thing not only for periodontists but also for the patients they treat. With our Farber Center dentist offices in Hauppauge, and Medford, NY, we’re centrally located and convenient to many in Suffolk County. We’re here to help you be healthy and maintain a beautiful smile throughout your life.
Call us with any questions or to make an appointment.
Keep Your Dental Implants Healthy and Beautiful
Dental implants are, in the opinion of dental professionals and everyday people alike, the most effective way of replacing a lost tooth or teeth. It’s because they look magnificent, provide a firm bite, and help to preserve the underlying jaw bone. They are long-lasting and have a success rate above 95-percent by nearly all measures. But even though an implant cannot decay like a natural tooth, they need proper care to remain healthy. Frequent brushing and daily flossing are vital because they help maintain good oral health overall. Your implants depend on the same jawbone for the support that natural teeth do, and it depends on good oral health.
Because we’re one of the leading providers of dental implants Long Island has available, the Farber Center team encourages all patients to follow proper care routines. When you do follow them, the prognosis for long-lasting, healthy implants is excellent. Make sure also to have routine check-ups and dental cleanings, and deeper periodontal cleanings if needed. The important point to keep in mind is that although implants and the tooth crowns they support are artificial, they depend on good oral heal to stay healthy themselves. If you ever have discomfort, swelling, or any other concern related to an implant, make an appointment to see us right away.
Treat Any Periodontal Disease to Preserve Your Implants
Periodontal (gum) infections are a significant threat to your teeth and oral health overall. An untreated infection can lead to tooth loss, cause existing dental implants to become infected, and make it harder to have implants in the future. For these and many other good reasons, it’s essential to visit a periodontist if you have infected, sore, swollen, or bleeding gums for any length of time. Also, studies have shown that bacteria from low-grade infections in the mouth affect the circulatory and immune systems, heart and can aggravate diseases such as diabetes. If you know you need treatment for the sake of your implants or any other reason, don’t put it off.
Successful dental implants are dependent upon the underlying jaw bone that supports them. Without a healthy jawbone able to support the implant, it can be prone to failure. Gum infections and diseases such as periodontitis can cause tooth and bone loss over time. Therefore be checked often and treat any problems quickly. Newer laser and surgical techniques have significantly improved the results for treating gum disease. They also have reduced treatment times, lowered costs in some cases, and improved patient comfort. All of these are also good reasons to seek treatment for any problems and make sure you follow through with any recommended procedures.
Healthy Dental Implants Need Brushing and Flossing
Good oral hygiene is a vital part of maintaining a dental implant, so frequent and thorough cleaning is necessary. Brushing at least twice a day and flossing daily is essential. Proper home care supports overall oral health that is as essential to healthy implants as it is to natural teeth. The gums that surround both benefit from brushing and flossing just as much as teeth do, and they need to be kept at their best. One of the great benefits of implants is their ability to preserve the jawbone and not displace chewing force onto nearby teeth as conventional bridges do. Therefore, keeping everything healthy and working together is essential.
Tobacco smoking also needs to be mentioned in an article about how to keep dental implants healthy. Smoking not only can make you a poor candidate for implants but also can lead to the deterioration of existing ones. For example, The Journal of International Society of Preventive & Community Dentistry published a study showing that a procedure with a 95-percent success rate dropped to only 80-percent success for smokers. If you are a smoker, 80-percent is still a reasonable success rate, but it’s better to quit smoking and enjoy the 95-percent rate. If you do choose to have an implant and smoke, it is highly recommended that you stop one week before the implant surgery and not resume until at least two months later.
Dental implants are outstanding replacements for missing teeth. Make sure you care for yours, have regular check-ups and cleanings, and they will last for many years. Also, if you have missing or diseased teeth and need more information about how implants can help you, visit us today. Our Farber Center locations in Medford NY and Hauppauge, NY, are the best places to find dental implants near me if you live or work in the Long Island area.
Why is Replacing Missing Teeth So Necessary?
Millions of American adults are missing all of their upper or lower teeth, and many more are missing one or more teeth. Besides causing potential embarrassment because of appearance, there are health and quality of life issues connected to tooth loss. For example, a natural process known as bone resorption means empty tooth sockets lose underlying jawbone. It can change your face and weaken nearby teeth. Dental professionals are virtually unanimous that teeth should be replaced — and as soon as possible. If you already have lost teeth, know you are about to, or have the symptoms of gum disease, it’s time to visit a dentist or periodontist for an oral health exam.
At Farber Center for Periodontics and Dental Implants, we’re devoted to saving teeth and offer many advanced treatment methods. When a tooth can’t be saved, we also provide a range of the latest replacement options. Periodontal or gum disease is a significant cause of tooth loss and can progress silently in its early and middle stages. It’s why it’s so important to have regular cleanings and check-ups. Periodontists are dental professionals who specialize in treating gum disease in all its forms. Today’s newer treatment methods include laser therapies and less invasive techniques that are highly effective and reduce patient discomfort. All of them can help you avoid tooth loss.
Tooth Replacement Options Today are Better than Ever
Recent advances have brought new options in tooth replacement — many of the better than ever before. With dental implants leading the way, you can replace missing teeth with newer options that give you a beautiful smile and give you back a firm bite. Because implants replace the roots of the teeth you lost, they reduce or stop bone resorption so that your remaining teeth are stabilized. When bone loss is prevented, it also maintains your facial structure and preserves a more youthful appearance. Being able to chew and eat firm and crunchy foods helps typically to maintain whole-body health so that you’ll look and feel as good as you always have.
If you’ve lost an entire row of teeth, upper or lower, or are struggling with dentures, various implant-supported systems have many advantages. For example, the All-on-4 dental implant option support an entire row of teeth on as few as four implants. It’s an increasingly popular way to take advantage of the benefits of implants at a much lower cost than replacing each tooth one-by-one. In other cases, implants may be used to support dental bridges so that they do not transfer the force of chewing to natural teeth. It helps to preserve your existing teeth and also restores a firm bite. If you’re not up-to-date on the many new methods and options, visit us soon to find out more.
When Teeth are Missing, Your Self-Esteem Suffers
It’s hard to put a price on a beautiful smile, but both research and anecdotal evidence suggests its importance. It’s not uncommon for people who have decayed or missing teeth — or poor-fitting dentures — to avoid social situations out of embarrassment. Lost time with family and friends soon takes its toll, and depression may result. On the other hand, people who have beautiful replacement teeth and a radiant smile tend to be more engaged in life and ready to outgoing and social. Implants and implant-supported dentures are among the most effective ways to restore your smile. If it’s been a while since you’ve felt like smiling, you understand the importance of getting it back.
Also, eating healthier is on nearly everyone’s mind today, and it means including fruits and vegetables in your diet. These fresh, whole foods are beneficial in so many ways, including helping to control your weight and blood sugar. Biting into apples and enjoying corn-on-the-cob are two of the most classic examples of foods that require a firm bite to be enjoyed. With the best dental implants, you’ll again be free to enjoy these and other crunchy foods. Missing teeth or removable dentures that slip cause many dietary issues when you avoid healthy foods because you are unable to chew them. Having a firm bite again will help immediately.
Teeth Lost to Gum Disease Mean You Need Periodontal Treatment
Nothing is more important than your health, and the low-level infections of gum disease move through the bloodstream and affect other organs in the body. Often tooth loss is the result of periodontitis (gum disease) that is left untreated can destroy your oral health. Periodontists today have advanced methods and new laser-assisted procedures that have improved the ability to treat and clear gum infections. If your gums are swollen or bleed for more than two weeks, it’s time to have a check-up. If you’ve already lost teeth due to gum infections, make sure to treat them soon to avoid further damage or loss.
No matter what the reason for lost teeth, there are many more good reasons to replace them with high-quality dental implants. In Long Island, NY, we at Farber Center are a leading provider of titanium and ceramic implants with a holistic dental approach. If you’re in Nassau or Suffolk Counties, our dentist offices in Medford NY and Hauppauge NY are easy to reach. Your comfort and oral health are our number-one concerns, and we can provide a range of good choices no matter what you need. We are dedicated to saving your teeth or replacing them with the best possible options.
Emergency Dental Implants | Long Island’s Best
If you have a dental emergency because you have broken a tooth in an accident or bitten into something too hard, we can help. Farber Center provides the best dental implants Long Island has to offer. We understand it is a traumatic experience to break or lose a tooth. But if it happens to you, call or visit our Hauppauge or Medford NY dentist offices as soon as possible. We will advise you of all options, including saving or repairing the tooth if possible. If not, an immediate dental implant may be the best option. Because we’re among Long Island’s best dental implant centers, our capabilities are extensive, and we can handle emergency cases.
We offer both titanium and ceramic dental implants and are among the most experienced providers in the area. Our diagnostic and evaluation capabilities are second to none, allowing us to advise you of all possible options. We can work with immediate-load implants if your bone and surrounding teeth can support them. You’ll have a temporary replacement tooth placed right away and avoid the healing time required for some implant procedures. In emergencies, especially those affecting a highly visible tooth in front, many patients appreciate this option. Also, because we’ve helped thousands of people with implants, you’ll have greater peace of mind when in our care.
We Have Emergency Dental Implant Services Nearby
In addition to immediate-placement dental implants, we offer oral surgery services to remove a tooth that cannot be saved. Our all-under-one-roof approach means we can provide complete dental, periodontal, and implant services nearby. Farber Center also is ahead of the curve with patient education and treatment methods. You can count on us to give you an overview of all options, and to be ready with state-of-the-art procedures. We’re prompt in delivering services and are aware of cosmetic considerations. All temporary and permanent tooth replacements (the crown portion of implants) are created to look and feel as close to natural teeth as possible. They’ll look so good that no one except you will know which one is an implant.
When a tooth loss and the need for replacement occur unexpectedly, and suddenly, it quickly can feel upsetting and overwhelming. Its why you’ll feel more comfortable in the care of a team of dedicated specialists. We used computer-guided technology to place implants and have a very high rate of success. If it is the first time you will be having an implant, we will thoroughly explain the process and how it works. For your comfort, we offer complete anesthesia services with a commitment to keeping you comfortable and safe. Our newer treatment methods and experience mean smoother procedures with less time in the chair — you’ll be back to life as soon as possible.
How are Immediate-Load Dental Implants Different?
Experience and research have shown that immediate-load dental implants that are useful in emergency procedures can be as effective as delayed-load implants. The difference lies in the waiting period for the permanent crown (replacement tooth) to be attached to the implant. The implants themselves take the place of the roots of natural teeth. They are titanium or ceramic screws that fuse to the underlying bone as they heal. In traditional procedures, the temporary crown is left in for some time while the healing completes. With immediate load implants, the permanent crown is attached earlier in the process and is in place while healing is achieved.
To have an immediate-load implant, patients generally need to have excellent underlying bone and other strong, healthy teeth next to the implant. In these cases, the existing teeth share the impact of chewing and allow the implant to heal successfully, even though it goes into immediate use. Success also relies on the skillful placement of the implant, supported by computer-guidance technology available at Farber Center. Offering patients the advantages of implants with reduced waiting time to get to the final crown phase is a significant advancement. Most dental professionals agree that implants are the gold standard for tooth replacement.
For Urgent Dental Implants, We’re Here to Help
When you’re searching for emergency dental implants in Long Island, NY, always remember that we’re close by. For emergency dental services or regular check-ups, we can help. Our implant and periodontal services are second to none, and we can offer a convenient range of appointment times at either our Medford NY or Hauppauge NY locations. We are a holistic dentist devoted to maintaining your oral health as an essential part of whole-body health.
Turn a Gummy Smile into a Beautiful Smile
Having a beautiful smile is a significant contributor to self-confidence and self-esteem for most people. But what if you have beautiful teeth that are partially covered by excess gum tissue? If you do, it’s an easily treatable condition known as a gummy smile. Therefore, if the beauty of your smile is diminished in this way, schedule a consultation with the periodontists at Farber Center For Periodontics & Dental Implants. We’ll give you a thorough exam and provide options to raise the smile line on your front teeth. In general, our holistic periodontal and dental implant practice is devoted to improving your oral health. But we also understand our patient’s desire for cosmetic procedures and always are pleased to help.
The good news is that excess gum tissue can be removed in minor periodontal surgery and does not negatively impact your teeth or gums. It’s purely an aesthetic consideration that varies by person. Compared to the opposite — receding gums — which harm teeth over time, it is a minor condition. Also, because gum surgery methods today have advanced considerably over past procedures, healing times and comfort are improved. If you have been reluctant to seek treatment because of anxiety over the procedure itself, we can give you pre-treatment counseling to put your mind at ease. Most people with gummy smiles have had them for many years and always wished they could be improved.
Treating Gummy Smile is a Request We Hear Often
“Patients come in to see us and they say, ‘Dr. Farber, my teeth are very small. Can you make them longer?’ The reason the teeth appear to be small is because the gum tissue itself is very long or the patient is showing too much gum tissue. The excess tissue can be removed in order to make the teeth look better or look the proper length,” said Dr. Alan Farber.
In both our Medford NY and Hauppauge NY dentist offices, we see patients for gummy smile exams and gum surgery to correct the condition. When the procedure is complete, it creates a proper smile line for the front teeth. When patients have their gummy smile transformed into a more natural smile, it is a wow moment. People have thanked us for boosting their self-confidence and satisfaction with their teeth and smiles. We’ve even received cards and letters of thanks and appreciation.
How Does Gum Surgery to Improve A Gummy Smile Work?
The process of removing excess tissue and correcting gummy smile is a minimally invasive gum surgery. It takes only a single visit for the procedure itself and one follow-up visit. Also, some patients elect to have more smile-improving treatments once their smile line is raised to a more attractive level. Often, they want to improve the look or color of their teeth using whitening or veneers that are provided by general dentists. However, improving the framework; in other words, the gum tissue around the teeth is the key.
“We have an analogy we use. If you were to hang a picture on the wall, it could be a great picture, but if you do not mount it properly and put the right frame around it, then it will not look nearly as beautiful. Creating the framework is shaping the gum tissue around the teeth, and it is one of the services we provide at Farber Center,” said Dr. Farber.
If you’re in Long Island, NY, we are a full-service periodontist and implant center for dental implants near me. We are known for advanced treatment methods, including less-invasive laser gum surgery and both titanium and ceramic dental implants. Our focus is on your oral health, but we follow a holistic approach, and everything we do benefits your whole-body health as well. Our mission is to save teeth and when it is not possible, to replace them with the best options possible. Among Long Island periodontists, our services are second to none, and our offices are convenient to most Suffolk and Nassau County locations.
If you would like to schedule an exam and consultation for gummy smile treatment, contact us today. We’re dedicated to your comfort and satisfaction and will discuss all options with you. We maintain extensive capabilities under one roof, and few can match us for periodontics and same-day dental implants.
Patient Education: Key to Improving Oral Health
At Farber Center for Periodontics and Dental Implants, we’re dedicated to treating gum disease and saving teeth. As a result, our patient education goals are intended to help maintain and improve our patient’s oral health. The most crucial step for many people is visiting us for the first time.
When patients are under our care, we can help educate them about the need for treatment and the options available. Gum disease is generally a silent condition in its early stages when it is more easily treatable. Therefore, many people who need treatment may be unaware or feel they can put it off — which nearly always means more significant consequences in the long run.
Periodontal disease affects millions of adults, including many in Long Island. As holistic dentists and periodontists, we work hard to educate people about the whole-body health issues that connect to gum disease. We also want prospective patients to understand that recent advances, such as laser-assisted therapies have been game-changers. Discomfort and treatment times have been lessened significantly. At the same time, effectiveness and outcomes have been improved. Gum disease treatment today is vastly different than it was 20 years ago. If you’ve heard stories from others, it’s likely things may have changed a lot since their experience.
We Motivate Our Patients to Improve Their Oral Health
So much is to be gained from having healthy teeth and gums. A beautiful smile is among the most potent self-confidence builders, and a firm bite means you can eat your favorite foods. But it’s also essential to keep in mind the whole-body health connections. Past and current research has studied the links between the chronic low-grade infections of gum disease and other organs and systems of the body. These include the heart, immune system, and circulatory system, to name only a few. For people with diabetes, infected gums can aggravate other problems. Therefore, improving and maintain oral health has benefits that extend through the body.
For us, it’s important initially to make patients fully aware of any periodontal infections or disease. Merely having information is powerfully motivating for most people. It’s a fact that periodontal disease is a severe health condition that needs to be effectively treated and resolved. The good news is that for nearly everyone, we can address them in a way that will clear the infection and save their teeth. Because of recent advances, even people who previously were not candidates for some procedures can now have them. Also, newer techniques are often less invasive, which means shorter recovery times and less discomfort overall.
What Will My First Appointment with a Periodontist be Like?
A thorough periodontal exam and accurate diagnosis are the first steps toward treating gum disease. Therefore, on your initial appointment, your visit will be confined to the evaluation and discussion of treatment options unless there is an emergency. You will likely hear about more than one method, and because we offer advanced treatments at Farber Center, some will be newer and more comfortable options. It’s important to note that different things are better for each patient — so there is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Each patient and their situation are unique, and we go out of our way to suggest a treatment plan that will work best.
In the unfortunate case that periodontal disease is advanced and has severely affected the teeth and underlying bone, we may discuss tooth replacement options with you. In those cases, we can provide traditional (titanium) and ceramic dental implants, or more comprehensive methods such as All-on-4. If you need to replace an entire row of upper or lower teeth, All-on-4 offers a permanent denture solution with as few as four implants. It’s a great alternative to dentures and provides a beautiful smile, firm bite, and helps preserve the underlying jawbone.
No matter what is right for you and recommended as a periodontal treatment plan for you, we are always sensitive to patient comfort and peace of mind. We take the time to sit down and go over things very carefully in advance, giving you options, and discussing how we can keep you comfortable during procedures. Everyone on the Farber Center team is an experienced holistic dental professional with specialized training. Few Long Island periodontists can match our range of services and treatment options. It’s why our list of patents grows significantly at both our Hauppauge and Medford, NY dentist offices. We’re convenient to reach from most Suffolk and Nassau County locations and appointments are available at a wide range of times.
Periodontal Disease: A Treatable Condition
Farber Center Can Treat and Resolve Gum Disease
Periodontal or gum disease is often silent, but it is progressive in many people and frequently leads to tooth loss. It also can harm whole-body health and has the potential to aggravate certain diseases such as diabetes. Early treatments were often considered uncomfortable, and many people put off seeing a periodontist.
The good news today is that recent advances have improved clinical methods. They are less invasive, and patients feel healing times are quicker, and discomfort has been minimized considerably. The introduction of dental lasers and new surgical techniques truly have revolutionized patient care. Also, success rates have improved, and cost-effectiveness is an added benefit of many more modern options.
Gum Disease: The Early Warning Signs
- Swollen, inflamed or tender gums as well as pain in the mouth
- Receding gums, or gums separating from the teeth
- Bleeding when you brush, floss, or eat certain foods
- Sores in your mouth
- Teeth that are loose
- Pus present between your teeth and gums
- Bad breath that won’t go away
- Changes in your bite — the way your teeth fit together
- Changes in the way dental appliances like partial dentures fit
What is Periodontal Disease?
The term periodontal means around the tooth. Periodontal disease is a common inflammatory condition. It affects the supporting and surrounding soft tissues of the tooth. There are different stages of periodontal disease. The first stage is known as gingivitis, which is inflammation of the gums. Bleeding often occurs at this stage. Bacteria in the form of plaque on the teeth cause gingivitis. When left untreated, it can spread below the gum line.
When the gums become irritated by the toxins contained in plaque, a chronic inflammatory response causes the body to break down and destroy its bone and soft tissue. There may be little or no symptoms as periodontal disease causes the teeth to separate from the infected gum tissue. Deepening pockets between the gums and teeth are generally indicative that soft tissue and bone is being destroyed.
Diagnosing and Treating Gum Disease
Periodontal disease for most patients is silent because, in the early and mid-stages, they do not feel it, nor do they see it. Often, dental professionals compare gum disease to high blood pressure, because in both cases, people have the condition but are unaware of it. Among the many good reasons for regular dental cleanings and check-ups is to be screened for gum disease. Like nearly everything else, the earlier it is caught and treated, the better the outcomes. If you skip regular visits to your dentist, the disease often remains undetected until it progresses to a much more significant level. At Farber Center, we’re devoted to saving teeth, and treating gum disease in its early stages is especially important.
Treating gingivitis, early-stage gum disease is straightforward. The earlier we catch it, the higher the success rate can be. However, when the condition is left untreated, it often progresses and develops into full-blown periodontitis. At this stage, there is the added concern of bone loss around the teeth, which is much more significant. Dental laser therapies and the latest gum surgical methods can treat and reserve the condition, but they are more expensive, and in some cases, time-consuming. Patients who do well are the ones who follow through with treatment, return for regular professional visits, and practice consistently good oral hygiene at home.
It’s a Good Idea to Visit a Periodontist for a Thorough Exam
Family dentists and hygienists are on the lookout for gum disease and refer patients with symptoms to periodontists for further diagnosis and treatment.
But it is also a sound decision to refer yourself to a periodontist for a check-up. You can do it the same way you visit a dermatologist for a skin condition or an ophthalmologist for an eye exam. Periodontal professionals have credentials beyond their dental training and are the ones best able to detect and treat any issues early. Especially if you have a history of gum disease or any of the early warning signs listed above, there is no harm — and potentially significant benefit — in making an appointment for an exam.
If it turns out you need periodontal treatment, you’ll be catching things earlier when they are less advanced. Also, Farber Center’s advanced treatment options are less invasive, quicker and cause less discomfort than earlier methods. You’ll have several options to choose from and be in the care of a dedicated team with many years of experience and offering state-of-the-art methods. We welcome new patients and encourage people to come in for a periodontal evaluation.
Oral Hygiene, Oral Health, Whole-Body Health
You may wonder how oral hygiene, oral health, and your overall health are connected? The short answer is they are related in many ways. From your heart and immune system to conditions like diabetes, the links can be significant. Research continues in many areas to establish even more precise connections. But enough is already known for medical and dental professionals everywhere to recommend close attention to oral hygiene and oral health. Holistic dentists like Farber Center for Periodontics & Dental Implants place an especially strong emphasis on patient education about optimal oral hygiene practices.
Frequent check-ups at a dentist or periodontist are essential, as are routine professional cleanings. But your every day oral hygiene routine at home is of prime importance, along with reducing sugary foods in your diet. All dental professionals agree you need to brush thoroughly at least twice a day and floss at least once a day. Not too long ago, a story turned up in the media questioning the value of flossing, and it received a swift and robust rebuttal from the dental community. Flossing is essential to clean in between your teeth and around your teeth and gums. You need to clean away plaque and trapped food particles that can’t always be reached with a toothbrush alone.
Oral Hygiene Helps Teeth, Gums, and All of Your Body
Healthy teeth and gums work together. If you have gingivitis or periodontitis (gum disease) that is left untreated, your teeth will be affected. Long-term gum infection often results in tooth loss and deterioration of the underlying bone that supports teeth or dental implants. However, it doesn’t end there. Your mouth is connected to the rest of your body by the circulatory and immune systems, as well as the obvious connection to the digestive system. Therefore a low-grade bacterial infection in your mouth affects other parts of the body instantly. Even your appearance can be on the line if teeth are lost and are not replaced with implants. Tooth sockets left empty after extraction can lead to a natural process known as bone resorption (bone loss) that can affect your facial appearance.
Maintaining good whole-body health also includes eating a nutritious and fiber-rich diet. It, of course, means having plenty of fruits and vegetables. Because they often are firm or crunchy, you need a strong bite to eat and enjoy them comfortably. Strong teeth and healthy gums are not only supported by eating a healthy diet, but also, in turn, allow you to eat and enjoy those foods. Beyond what you eat, brushing and flossing regularly can help to avoid bad breath, which also can increase your confidence when around people. Average lifespans for both women and men in the United States are increasing, and as people live longer, they need their teeth to last longer. Among the many reasons for practicing good oral hygiene, helping your teeth last a lifetime is one of the more important.
Poor Oral Hygiene Can Worsen or Help Cause Illness
One of the groups who benefit most from healthy teeth and gums are diabetics. Unfortunately, diabetes automatically puts you at a higher risk for gum disease. Therefore, regular check-ups at a periodontist and professional dental cleanings are even more necessary. Chronic gum disease (periodontitis) may make diabetes more difficult to control. Low-grade infections in the mouth may be among those causing insulin resistance, which disrupts blood sugar control. For patients with chronic gum disease, special periodontal cleanings that go below the gumline or periodontal pocket cleanings using dental lasers can be beneficial.
Bacterial oral inflammation (gingivitis) also may contribute to clogged arteries and blood clots. Some research studies indicate that bacteria in the mouth can cause mild inflammation throughout the body, including the arteries. Therefore, it may be a basis for an accumulation of plaque in the arteries, possibly laying a role in a heart attack or stroke. The more serious the oral infection, the higher the risk appears to be. Also, oral infections, gum disease, and tooth loss may contribute to plaque in the carotid artery. In one study, 46 percent of participants who’d lost up to nine teeth had carotid artery plaque; among those who’d lost ten or more teeth, 60 percent of them had such plaque.
To be healthy, keep your teeth and look great, oral hygiene is a serious matter. As children, nearly all of us grew up with reminders from our parents, teachers, and dentists about the need to brush and floss. Hopefully, by now, you follow an excellent oral hygiene routine. If you don’t and are already having tooth decay or gum disease, it’s never too late to start. Our Farber Center locations in Medford NY and Hauppauge, NY, are among the most trusted holistic dentists Long Island has available. Out periodontal treatments and dental implant centers can help no matter what you need. We are dedicated to preserving or saving teeth — and when it is not possible, replacing them with the most effective and advanced dental implants in Long Island.
Full-Arch Tooth Restoration with Implant Support
Implant-Supported Full-Arch Restoration
If you’re about to lose all of your upper or lower teeth — or struggling with removable dentures — you owe it to yourself to find out more about newer methods of full-arch dental restoration. Implant-supported dentures and bridges look and function very similarly to natural teeth. They take advantage of the many benefits of implants with costs lower than you might expect. You’ll have a firm bite on par with real teeth and a beautiful smile. Our Farber Center locations in Hauppauge and Medford NY have helped thousands of patients in Long Island from Suffolk County (and Nassau County) overcome tooth loss. Implant-supported dentures stay in place permanently and contribute to better oral health overall.
You don’t need to think long to realize that physical and emotional well-being are each affected by teeth. More than a few healthy foods are crunchy and firm. If you’re avoiding them because of diseased teeth or loose dentures, your health suffers right away. On the emotional side of things, smiling is essential. If you’re reluctant to smile because you’re hiding bad teeth, your self-esteem is diminished. Also importantly, tooth loss and gum disease lead to bone loss in the jaw, which can affect your facial appearance and cause your looks to age. In short, there are many reasons to replace missing or severely decayed teeth, and modern treatments for full-arch restoration give you better options than ever before.
Full-Arch Restoration with Implants in One Visit
Thanks to advanced methods, you’ll leave the office with a beautiful set of temporary teeth on the same day your implants are placed. It makes replacing an arch of teeth more feasible if you are in a high-visibility role where appearing in public without teeth would be embarrassing. After the implants complete the healing process in which they fuse to bone and provide a firm bite, a permanent arch will be placed. Also, if you need any remaining teeth extracted, they will be pulled on the same day as your implant surgery. It means fewer office visits and less time for your procedure overall — benefits patients appreciate.
Nearly all dental professionals agree implants are the preferred tooth-replacement method, but replacing an entire arch one-by-one would be time-consuming and expensive. It’s why implant-supported dentures and bridges make so much sense and have become popular quickly. For anyone who has struggled with loose-fitting traditional dentures that slip, having firm, permanent new teeth is a quality of life improvement. They’re also cared for in the same manner as natural teeth so that you can brush and floss the same way you always have.
What are You Looking for in New Teeth?
Most people answer that they are looking for a beautiful smile when they give their reasons for tooth replacement. There is no doubt appearance is of significant importance, especially to confidence and self-esteem. But the professionals at Farber Center also like to remind patients about the benefits of healthy teeth and gums. A significant amount of research continues about likes between oral health and other major systems in the body, such as the immune and circulatory systems. Low-grade infections in the mouth have been shown to affect both, as well as your heart. Diabetes also is affected by oral health issues.
Eating well supports whole-body health, and many of the healthiest fresh foods are crunchy or firm. When you have replacement teeth with a bite strength that is 80- to 90-percent the same as natural teeth, you’ll eat all the foods you enjoy. A varied diet with an emphasis on fruits and vegetables is recommended for nearly everyone. Anyone who has worn traditional dentures that slip or have a weak bite understands the limits they cause. Having confidence in your ability to bit into a crunchy apple or enjoy corn-on-the-cob at a cookout gives you back your life again.
Why Choose Farber Center for Full-Arch Teeth Replacement?
When you’re undergoing a significant cost for a dental implant procedure, you want the best. Our facilities are state-of-the-art with computer-guided implant placement, anesthesia services, and the ability to fabricate implants on-site. Few Long Island dental implant centers can match our high-quality, patient-centered care. We are holistic dentists with a dual concern for your oral health and whole-body health. Everything we recommend and provide is intended to help you lead a healthier and more enjoyable life with a beautiful smile. Before any treatment, we’ll present your options and information so that you can make the decision that is best for you.
If you’re in the Medford NY or Hauppauge, NY and searching for dental implants near me, we’re ready to help. From full-arch restoration to individual dental implants and other solutions, we offer a complete range of services. Our reviews and ratings from patients are favorable, and we’re one of the leading dental implant centers serving people from both Suffolk and Nassau Counties. Our offices are conveniently located, and we’re open to serve you at a wide range of hours to make appointments. If you’d like to find out more about a complete arch restoration, contact us today.